“Yes, I know, we are merely empty forms of matter, but we are indeed sublime”
Stéphane Mallarmé
Matter matters. It is vitally important when accessories are made to last.
The MATERIA collection was designed to be elegant year after year, with organic materials of high quality and simplicity.
The choice of shapes and materials are the essence of our designs. Inspired by the power of nature, the MATERIA collection shows that substance never goes out of style.
The final result is a wide range of accessories where materials and textures are combined with the sobriety of charcoal and stone tones together with the harmony that the warmth of the cinnamon colours brings.
In our movement towards sustainability we have adapted the use of Piñatex, an innovative leather alternative material made from pineapple leaf fibre by Ananas Anam.
The pineapple leaf fibre is a by-product of the agricultural industry; no additional land, water or pesticides are required to produce the raw material. The supply of pineapple leaf fibre also gives farmers an additional source or work and income, what makes it a sustainable product both environmentally and economically.
We are very proud of manufacturing the products of our MATERI collection with this new material.